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boriga: psn field mobs all day in boat legal?

#81635 - boriga, 31.05.2016 09:00
btw,it's in Endor Asia
#81636 - Gretchen, 31.05.2016 09:36
Illegal and boring
#81637 - SerenaVallariel, 31.05.2016 10:07
A to jsem myslel že češi umí špatně anglicky :D
#81638 - boriga, 31.05.2016 10:32
but according to the GM in Endor Asia with the “⑥” avatar in ICQ,no river no punishment.those peopl just keep logining island for hours.lmao
#81639 - boriga, 31.05.2016 10:33
i mean "6" avatar
#81640 - SerenaVallariel, 31.05.2016 10:37
I'm not sure how this is considered on Asia server (I honestly never read the rules in there), but it sure is a forbidden behavior here on CZ server.
#81641 - boriga, 31.05.2016 11:02
can anybody contact AD about this behavior?
#81642 - Kotycacek, 31.05.2016 15:48
This GM is Jianke right?
#81643 - boriga, 31.05.2016 15:53
NO!it's a Cz GM
#81644 - Kotycacek, 31.05.2016 16:01
I will contact the Endor-Asia CZ GM ... This is irreversible evidence about breaking the Rules and GM should investigate it ...
#81645 - keshtn, 31.05.2016 22:23
#81646 - Gereth, 01.06.2016 08:44
But why is this being discussed here? I think Endor-China has their own Board, Screenshots, Forums and their GM Team.
#81647 - boriga, 01.06.2016 12:09
because CN GM is powerless.their hands are tied. someone got banned because of speedhacking,complaint about it to a CZ GM,and just simplily got himself released.
#81648 - Gereth, 01.06.2016 23:04
Then You should contact the management. I have no idea how China Endor GM Team is structured, so I would probably go straight to Demostenes. Ideally with some proofs in hands (times, chatlogs, videos, screenshots,...)