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Lyricat: The house is a refuge.

#79597 - Kotycacek, 16.01.2015 17:22
CG !!!
#79598 - Juniorek, 16.01.2015 17:22
gj lyri.. and be careful!
#79599 - Contl, 16.01.2015 17:36
copak asi vedlo toho chlapce co se tam vali k tomu aby ty druhe dvere otevrel? equip to urcite nebyl =D
#79600 - playerkiller, 16.01.2015 19:59
#79601 - cAH, 16.01.2015 23:00
Oh, congratz. Your first kill. Nextime try some real pvp and dont steal noob stuff
#79602 - 4154, 16.01.2015 23:45
Tomaku jdi si bugovat a neotravuj slusny lidi.
#79603 - Unskii, 17.01.2015 01:03
Because running inside your own house is real pvp.... :D I can taste the salt in your comment cAH, nice items you _had_
#79604 - Koho, 17.01.2015 01:12
Najs Orez! Where is camping ?!
#79609 - cAH, 17.01.2015 12:42
Unskiii stop being dumbass. You know what real pvp is. I dont think about banging yo sis. Items are ready for trash can
#79610 - Blender, 17.01.2015 12:46
Tomáku, už ti stanovili nějakou oficiální diagnózu?
#79611 - cAH, 17.01.2015 13:49
lest speak eng when you post to the english topic !NOOB!
#79612 - cAH, 17.01.2015 13:53
Now it`s time for Grammar Nazi
#79614 - ratpile, 17.01.2015 15:24
cah cand spoke england becausse hi is mentalery retardat
#79625 - heydude, 17.01.2015 23:23
cah je píčus ????? :DDDDDDDDDD
#79634 - cAH, 18.01.2015 14:28
Heydune dont be an asshole and use fkin vocabulary. I think foreign players want some board fights too.
#79643 - Warden1, 20.01.2015 11:54
Tomák said ISIS and NAZI... pls ban him!
#79645 - cAH, 20.01.2015 19:38
Sind die IS-Terroristen die neuen Nazis? Uncle Tom?
#79647 - heydude, 28.01.2015 15:54
Heydune dont be an asshole and use fkin vocabulary. I think foreign players want some board fights too. cože ? česky poprosím sem línej použít translátor
#80192 - petkyn, 06.04.2015 15:27
cAH: it's .. don't try to be a big boy and next time before you will try to be a grammar nazi write your own shit correct