Screenshoty - obrázky ze hry


#67821 - svejk, 22.06.2010 05:29
Loool :D:D
#67823 - Klavesnice, 22.06.2010 06:43
To je rudej epic fail :Dkonecne nekdo dostava naprdel :D Gratulace Templarum a Finum:)
#67824 - Klavesnice, 22.06.2010 06:44
Konecne poradnej nadupadej screen ne jako ty trapny cubacky a comacky levely:D
#67829 - tarja, 22.06.2010 08:50
WoooW imbah skilla powa jak to zkouší ve 3 a zabijete je tak hned dávaté screeny, ale proč tady nedáte ty screeny jak jste zalezlí v gz a nejdete na krok?
#67830 - Nightwielder, 22.06.2010 09:10
Nice screen.
#67831 - byrtus, 22.06.2010 09:11
nadávání ve hře je povoleno ?:) bude z toho nějaký trestík?
#67832 - Playerkiller, 22.06.2010 09:14
není tam vidět jméno :-P...ale neděláme si tak u zahraničních hráčů dobrou reklamu.
#67833 - czechof, 22.06.2010 10:03
No, no .... He ovat tyhmiä lapsia. ja heidän äitinsä on vitun:-D anteeksi kielioppi on sanakirja:-D
#67836 - Unskii, 22.06.2010 10:16
Heh, so someone put this screen here :D At least some ghosts on Endor are polite ^^
#67837 - doncek, 22.06.2010 10:38
hlavne ze modraci si tam koupili ten druhej barak aby taky mohli domeckovat:D:D
#67838 - Nightwielder, 22.06.2010 10:56
Domečkování je v kurzu, jak sleduju. Ten nadávající bude nejspíš Trinitrotoluen, ostatní jména duchů tam jsou vidět
#67839 - Bartolomej, 22.06.2010 11:00
Sorry Unski, but when I saw Sargoth's invectives I could not resist the temptation to make a little screen :-) P.
#67840 - milkman, 22.06.2010 11:14
it can be dangerous to have cockroaches in your house!
#67841 - Maxell, 22.06.2010 11:25
OMG to sem budete vzdycky skrinovat kdyz se vam podari nas zabit? boze :D
#67842 - Sionan33, 22.06.2010 11:39
clovek rekne rpavdu a hned mu to smazou....
#67843 - SerenaVallariel, 22.06.2010 11:51
Nightwielder: až na to, že to jsou 2 obrázky vedle sebe takže to může být kdokoliv ;)
#67844 - Nightwielder, 22.06.2010 12:01
Jej, sem si neuvědomil, dík za upozornění :) Nicméně někdo nevolil zrovna přívětivá slova :) doncek, maxell, další ještě neznám
#67846 - zrnecx, 22.06.2010 12:16
Taky bych se nebal za 30 drujda...
#67847 - doncek, 22.06.2010 12:18
Nightwielder: taky nejsem na ss
#67848 - Nightwielder, 22.06.2010 12:19
doncek: nejde o to, že nejsi na SS, ale že patříš k těm PK z gildy TW.
#67849 - Unskii, 22.06.2010 12:24
Flamewars again in CZE ?
#67850 - biobong, 22.06.2010 12:27
#67851 - Nightwielder, 22.06.2010 12:37
It's not flamewar, just discussion about your good job :-)
#67852 - Unskii, 22.06.2010 12:40
Cant really see difference with google's translation skills :p
#67853 - Hondos, 22.06.2010 13:02
Nice ss, Finland goo :P
#67854 - SerenaVallariel, 22.06.2010 13:12
Actually google has usually problems with even clearly written, official czech :D Guess we have difficult language :x About the comments, some are "LOL nice!", some are "LOL lame screen"! And others are flame attempts :)
#67855 - ratpile, 22.06.2010 14:10
7 blue players against Bodie and Smaku wau! bigger screen next please :-)
#67856 - SerenaVallariel, 22.06.2010 14:19
raptile: I even wrote it in czech and still you didn't read it :P THere are two screenshots in the picture !!! actually there are 4 blue players
#67857 - Nightwielder, 22.06.2010 14:32
ratpile: Please, write that 7 blue players, i'm blind. I see 4 PK. In summary it's inability of PK, nothing more.
#67858 - Bartolomej, 22.06.2010 14:35
ratpile: 4 blue against 4 red with house advantage - we will make it bigger for you next time along with calculator so even you can make this advanced math calculations :-) But again, this screen is not about some partial victory...
#67860 - Klavesnice, 22.06.2010 15:50
Maxell:aspon je videt ze nekdo dostava taky poradnej kotel
#67861 - belegast, 22.06.2010 18:30
ale ty archie stejně to za bodieho neumis :o))
#67862 - ratpile, 22.06.2010 18:37
ale na tvyho necra to stacilo i na širý ledovy plani bez stromku Cahire :o)) :-D
#67863 - ratpile, 22.06.2010 19:05
p.s. vsichni blbecci co tu nadavaj, budou jiste spokojene zase afkovat v bance, az s tim TW sekne.. to bude zabavy, jeje
#67864 - Exitek, 22.06.2010 20:21
Nightwielder: Ja to určitě nebyl... v te době jsem už počital ovečky ;)
#67866 - Gereth, 22.06.2010 20:30
Modráci si koupili ten protější barák? Teď na sebe střílíte z terasy? -)
#67868 - Nightwielder, 22.06.2010 23:50
ratpile: tím chceš říct, že máme děkovat TW??? To nemyslíš vážně :)) Víc než na nadávky se nezmůžeš? Já bych rád potkal PK, jenže nikde jinde než u tohodle baráku je nepotkávám, docela smutná historie, nemyslíš?
#67869 - ratpile, 22.06.2010 23:59
rekni pozici.. :-)
#67870 - Maxell, 23.06.2010 00:00
Nightwielder: Tak nekdy vylez z GZ
#67871 - zrnecx, 23.06.2010 00:04
Gereth: protejsi ne.. ten dal...
#67872 - zrnecx, 23.06.2010 00:05
Stejne me udivuje ze nas Zabilo tolik moc moc lidi ale jen fini do davaj na web... prelozte jim to nekdo...
#67873 - Nightwielder, 23.06.2010 03:17
ratpile: si trapnej Maxell: ja beham mimo GZ vsude mozne, ale nikde sem vas jeste nepotkal, divne ze? Cim to asi bude.
#67874 - Sionan33, 23.06.2010 07:12
napis mi na icq a muzeme se nekde setkat ...
#67876 - Jakiro, 23.06.2010 08:56
#67877 - Nightwielder, 23.06.2010 09:09
sionan33: trosku jednoduchy ne? Nebo ty si jednoduchej? :)
#67878 - spedo123, 23.06.2010 09:53
Prosim ta Finland sa pise s F nie f lamooo:D
#67879 - misacom, 23.06.2010 11:17
hh unski you are really daugas pls player...we are beet you(or your FINLAMEZ)every day in last half year.yes you killed me or bodie but take the screen ?:D the pk haven' t any escape before 20+ blue player lamez with 30+- lvl remember it...bodie enter the house with 40% and i with 70% life on evening have a litlle mystake...more more blue players with higher lvl on spot=suicide near the daugas...actually true you(and your brotherhoods) are on the spot not for exp anf fun but for ONLY LOOTING!!! AND YOU OR ARCITICA PLAYERS didn't come out allone(only with band cz players you going out of GZ)your LOL screen isn't great than you thought....
#67880 - misacom, 23.06.2010 11:22
bartolomej:the screen has been created than good half blue playres has left the place...
#67881 - zrnecx, 23.06.2010 11:53
yep, true story
#67882 - belegast, 23.06.2010 12:09
misacom: If you have problem with pk what you have why you play him/her? Pk will never get save zone. And when you go nea city with 20lvl pk or few pk about 30 lvl sorry but this is your stupid idea.
#67883 - Unskii, 23.06.2010 12:33
misacom: First - you dont need to tell me what happened there because i know. So what you had low hp, you decided to fight me insead of kicking outside. Second: Why are you trying to declare everyone how unbeatable you are and how hard is to be pk? And fights between us have been quite fair since you have been hiding in your house and we in guard zone sometimes. And you cant really say we only loot/hk or something because we do the same to you as you do to everyone Third: This is only a game, relax. But i doupt you dont. About how "great" that screen is, i like more that left one where is the "fuck u finland". Right one is just why did you say so. IT really tells something about you :D And last: This screenshot wasnt taken when most of blue plaeyrs were gone, because there was not anyone else there (it was something like 1 AM).
#67885 - Unskii, 23.06.2010 12:36
And please misacom, do NOT write anything until you understant completely what i wrote, your English skills dont seem to be very.... ehm, good?
#67886 - ratpile, 23.06.2010 12:39
belegast: if we can be really active players, we need some "analogy" of guardzone, we cannot lose 10 horses every day about stupid idea .. why are u playing UO? for some wannabe legendary name? or for fun? :-)
#67887 - Unskii, 23.06.2010 12:44
We have NEVER anything like said that we own you often, everyone knows we both could but lots of screens where we kill each other and flee. So why are you so seriously raging in here? Maybe its about ur attitude...?
#67888 - misacom, 23.06.2010 12:49
i don' t have problem with my pk :-) i have problem with pls blue players ;-) this are two things...your answer is noob answer, becasuse you know more blue lamez, few thinks for you to loot... i can't explain thinks in my head for not save zone, but pk is life for running i know good half players on this shard(his names, persons).i know they wanna beat us with his party, with his friends and actually on the spot are some blue players with non guild.situation alone blue players are following the guild(guilds),(one same name guild with his members) was for us big hitting damage with blue players on spot trully shit happens situation for us...
#67889 - misacom, 23.06.2010 12:57
unsky:i didn't saw any screen with death arctica by wraith or tw... yeah unski my english is low but i need too say you one reason of theese epic:i haven' t any law on house near the paladin...becasuse i fight with you and i lost ;-) i will explain for others no for you
#67890 - Bartolomej, 23.06.2010 13:03
misacom: just lies, you know it very well. Nobody else except the names on screen was there and yes you and your murderer companions got a lesson from "noobs and lamez".
#67891 - belegast, 23.06.2010 13:20
misacom: Someone is beginner(pls blue player) and someone play many years and he is pls player killer.
#67892 - Nightwielder, 23.06.2010 13:22
Suomi, Suomi!!! :)
#67893 - SerenaVallariel, 23.06.2010 13:22
OMG, I really fell shame when reading those half-english texts :x misacom: Why actually did you start crying? It's just a screenshot like many others we already saw. And please don't call other people lames or noobs, because apparently you are not lesser noob than others. You're crying that PK is unplayable near the guardzone? WTF? Do you remember the INQ guild or similar ones? No matter what people think of them, they were damn good PKers and they could kill half of the city just in front of the gate.
#67894 - SerenaVallariel, 23.06.2010 13:23
feel shame*
#67895 - belegast, 23.06.2010 13:34
SerenaVallariel: INQ? When INQ start on server was only few 30+ and many 15-20 lvl players .....
#67896 - corony, 23.06.2010 14:24
Arctica good work, you have my recognition. With *love* Corony
#67897 - Gereth, 23.06.2010 14:28
2belegast: That's a quite common excuse. You might have been 15-20lv, but there were many blue 30+ players in every period of the InQ's activity(Flame, Invul, CoM, Panzer, Time, Team, Cube,..). Not mentioning, that there were many members of the InQ around lv of 25 and sometimes even lower (depends on period). But yes, PK's situation worse and worse. There are less midlevel neutrals in GZ fights and you're often overwhelmed by inbreaks of "master squads"(apearing from nowhere, boosted, 35+ with GMR, number of 8+). Another thing is, that there are very little players exping on surface spawns and high lv dungeons are often well protected by the system. So life of a pure PK's is more and more harder and boring in a same time. I was a witness of that process. So you guys have my gratitude for doing this. (But lose that house, that's beneath dignity of every solid pvper).
#67900 - Enguma, 23.06.2010 16:11
Tw nehrat smazat...
#67902 - ratpile, 23.06.2010 21:34
gereth: its not about solid pvp, its about our survive, we really!! cannot lose many horses dayly and simultaneously be active as we are now with blue supporters, millions in bank and with 35 levels we shall turn into red heroes .. p.s. blues now fight near Dougas only, in other locations, its really boring, with longer and longer waiting..
#67904 - uhlyk, 23.06.2010 22:20
hahahaha so low from cze/svk players as always! only language offence on very funny level (.we are beet you © misacon) HAHA
#67905 - Salem, 24.06.2010 01:32
omg ja se pochciju smichy z vas. Diky :DDDDD
#67908 - misacom, 24.06.2010 12:27
haha uhlYku tak beat no kryple usek sem se
#67909 - Overlord, 24.06.2010 13:06
Yeah big hero Uhlyk came here!! And made his statement. The biggest posthunter on forum and guy who didn't play at least three years. Funny! :D
#67910 - Cheval, 24.06.2010 15:27
Yeah big hero Uhlyk came here!! And made his statement. The biggest posthunter on forum and guy who didn't play at least three years. And yet, a person who often understands the game and what's going on better than a good half of active players ,-)
#67912 - Heruo, 24.06.2010 16:30
ono ani "we are beat you" nedává smysl chlapče, ale co už. hlavně že seš strašně drsnej v tom neandrtalskym projevu -) příště to radši hoď do google translatoru, bude to vypadat o něco míň strašně.
#67913 - Ariae, 24.06.2010 18:21
Je mi z Vás na blití pánové.
#67914 - zrnecx, 24.06.2010 21:32
Proč všichni tak flejmujete ?
#67917 - Enguma, 25.06.2010 05:58
smrdí to tu demencí
#67919 - anubiseth, 25.06.2010 10:06
jeste tam je jeden barak volnej :D
#67920 - kraftas, 25.06.2010 13:26
jednou budem dááál...
#67923 - uhlyk, 25.06.2010 16:14
i stoped playing at autumn last year, after i found out demo is still gm leader and not only server manager... anyway, i dont know how u linked playing game and how xenophobic are cze/svk players with low ethic...
#67925 - ratpile, 25.06.2010 19:38
i see only one xenophobic ;) other is inter-guild routine .. ;) i dont know, who was that, but im denouncing him although he is probably from our guild ..
#67926 - ratpile, 25.06.2010 19:42
im newbie in TW guild, but im apoligize to Arctica for this donkey ... Bodie
#67937 - Smidla, 26.06.2010 15:41
Zajimalo by me jestli nekdo odmenil toho "tvrdaka" tak skvele se vyjadrujicim smerem k finum.
#67940 - zrnecx, 26.06.2010 20:13
ze este nikdo neodmenil tebe...
#67948 - equinox, 27.06.2010 09:38
a ty bys chtěl hledat kdo to řekl? :)
#67949 - Sionan33, 27.06.2010 17:01
Smidla neboj se dostal trest 20k kuzi!!!
#67954 - iledamn, 28.06.2010 10:17
Now is time to stop argument about who killed who and what is lame. Main point in this shot (and i see it also in this conversation) that Finns are trying to push PK:s as best we can, and it makes some argue about subject. Good isnt´t it? Sentence "Fuck you cocksucking finns" seals the deal right?
#67955 - SerenaVallariel, 28.06.2010 11:05
I think that there's no need for another discussion. It would turn itself into another flamewar anyway. The sad fact is that Arctica gys are the first foreign players and also the last ones who have ever made it this far. And now I'm talking about the future also :(
#67956 - SerenaVallariel, 28.06.2010 11:05
Arctica guys* :P
#67968 - splex, 01.07.2010 07:20
this is SPARTA:D
#67969 - zrnecx, 01.07.2010 23:04
#79078 - heydude, 12.11.2014 18:34