Screenshots - images from game

Pelor: Louhi

#49594 - Pelor, 13.04.2009 13:09
Pro ty kterym vadi malo Ultimy na screenu je tady druha verze: <3
#49597 - Pelor, 13.04.2009 13:10
#49602 - SerenaVallariel, 13.04.2009 13:24
Odkud je ta high-polygon slecna? neni to nahodou z guildwars? :D Btw verze na trackeru je taky dost dobra xD
#49603 - biobong, 13.04.2009 13:26
mohol by si tam davat miesto tych fantazy obrazkov nejake real ku*wicky :p
#49607 - Jakiro, 13.04.2009 13:36
jeste ze nema bobra... to by slecne nesluselo :D
#49611 - Pelor, 13.04.2009 13:46
Skoda jen ze jsem ten obrazek nemel pred samotnym questikem, bych mohl Louhi patricne upravit :P
#49617 - domaci_pirozek, 13.04.2009 14:04
Ta slecna je z japonske(tusim) hry, ktera se jmenuje Shaya, Light and Darkness, procez tahle slecna repreznetuje Darkness (ne tu kapelu s frontmanem ktery zpiva, jako kdyby mel koule ve sveraku ;) ). Jinak diskutovat a pridavat vlastni screeny lze tuhle
#49637 - Alexi, 13.04.2009 15:06
pěkná slečna :-D
#49662 - mann, 13.04.2009 16:24
tyto lidi uz nejakou dobu pozoruji a opravdu by me zajimalo, z kama jsou,protoze vetsinou se anglicky vubec nebavily. Ale typl bych to na Finsko, priblizne ve stejnou dobu jsem tu totiz jednoho fina potkal.
#49664 - mann, 13.04.2009 16:25
+ kulturni vlozka. pred par dny sem si zrovna rikal,ze jsou zahranicni hraci ochuzeni o Questy, protoze jendorazovky jsou do sveta vetsinou vyhlaseny cesky, prubeh questu je taky cesky,tudiz zahranicni hraci si to moc neuziji. Jde videt,ze jsem se mylil :-) Gratz Pelor
#49671 - proview1, 13.04.2009 16:51
Já si ted nedávno ze skupinkou finu psal v HC jenže psaly moc rychle a nestíhal jsem to pres google překládat :-D
#49672 - Pelor, 13.04.2009 16:52
Jsou to Finove a co se anglictiny na questech tyce tak ja vzdy sleduju a je-li nejaky zlutasek (hrace s anglictinou ve hre vidime jako zlute) tak broadcastuju v anglictine a i vsechny NPC postavy na questech (napr Ice Valley) byly kompletne v anglictine :p Ale zase nema smysl to prekladat kdyz vidim, ze zrovna zadny online neni nebo ze na quest nejde/odesel z nej. Btw asi hlavni zasluhu na vzniku te zahranicni guildy ma Aten, ktery je namotivoval k poskladani se atd. ;-)
#49681 - Jakiro, 13.04.2009 17:25
deep in her hole :-D
#49682 - Pelor, 13.04.2009 17:26
rofl :D
#49686 - Pelor, 13.04.2009 17:27
Nj ja usilovne vzpominal jak se jmenuje ten prvni brloh v Diablu (Den of Evil) ale nemohl jsem si za boha vzpomenout tak jsem tam placnul hole.. ale tohle me teda nenapadlo :-))
#49706 - Saura_delgurth, 13.04.2009 18:39
Hned mi bylo jasny kam lidi koukaj
#49713 - Chrisu, 13.04.2009 19:04
Wow, this looks great <3
#49717 - Gasto, 13.04.2009 19:19
Pelor nevravim ze su skarede. ( moj nazor som ti uz povedal ) a Jiii ty di do hajzlu..
#49718 - Jiii, 13.04.2009 19:23
Pekný scren aj ketynka! Gasto:pokad se ti nelibi tak ti nikdo nenuti se na ne divat!
#49722 - Gasto, 13.04.2009 19:26
nevravim ze su skarede. Vidim ze te nenaucili cist nebo uz mas tak mozek prochlastanej ze nevidis ani na pismenka..
#49726 - Pelor, 13.04.2009 19:30
Chrisu: sorry, had to :P Other than that you did very well, I only hope we will get another chance to make a quest for you guys. GL with the guild!
#49737 - Chrisu, 13.04.2009 20:06
Pelor: That arent me :P but it is nice pic, had good time laughing :D
#49741 - koira, 13.04.2009 20:15
cool :>
#49746 - Daller, 13.04.2009 20:26
deep in her hole :P povedené:D
#49750 - Aten, 13.04.2009 20:31
I enjoyed the quest ;) Also, Assoura (at least I guess) proved himself/herself really smart and had found the secret switch pretty fast. Last time we made almost the same quest, the czech party was way more slower :) Anyways, 8 people is a good start, but guilds need to have more players though. Im sure that Templars will help you expanding :)
#49760 - Chrisu, 13.04.2009 21:04
I think it was me who found secret switch :D. It was that not glowing crystal, which needed to click so it glow? If not, it was someone else. Well, i recorded video of that event. Gonna edit it a bit and then i can share :) Nice event btw, u guys did good job :P
#49761 - Pelor, 13.04.2009 21:06
Yeah Chrisu it was the crystal. The vid would be cool! ;-)
#49769 - Aten, 13.04.2009 21:30
It makes me problems to recall what was done by Youzhura and what by Assoura :)) Simply the one who found it is smart :D We want a video!!
#49773 - Pelor, 13.04.2009 21:39
Yep, it was Youzhura which means Chrisu. Haa then you must have died where Atzooh did:P I thought so.
#49775 - Chrisu, 13.04.2009 21:43
damn, u got me :(
#49782 - proview1, 13.04.2009 22:06
Je to pekný konecne videt nakou skupinku cizincu tady :)
#49785 - Jiii, 13.04.2009 22:10
Gasto:No nvm hochu prvne kritizujes pak se ti libí ses luzzzr...
#49791 - Aten, 13.04.2009 22:20
utnete ten flejm pls
#49856 - domaci_pirozek, 14.04.2009 01:49
flamujte v eng :)
#49965 - Temeez, 14.04.2009 07:38
Quest was very nice :) Cant wait another one. D&#236;ky *bow*
#50005 - stupor, 14.04.2009 09:35
i was just wondering with all the fantasy pics in the background (often it looks like the ultima is background :P ) if authors of these screenshots did not violate any copyrights of the artists who made the originals... i thought that demo wants his shard clean of any law violations :P
#50007 - SerenaVallariel, 14.04.2009 09:42
1: Yes, they are breaking copyrights. 2: I Doubt that demostenes wants Endor without law violations (graphics from other games, players with movie names... also Endor word is a copyrighted name by lucas films :D)
#50089 - Pelor, 14.04.2009 14:32
I bought all the images so that I could use them of course! :D
#50197 - Chrisu, 14.04.2009 21:30 Not a perfect, but it was my first time editing video :) If sound is bad, try another player. (didnt worked on my BSplayer, but did worked on winamp)
#50216 - SerenaVallariel, 14.04.2009 22:56
Yeeehaw, Power Metal ftw! ../, :D Btw, what band is the second song? Gotta have it :D Have the rest already :p
#50237 - Rene, 15.04.2009 00:39
SerenaVallariel - Im not sure, that Lucas may have copyrighted this name (Endor), because it is first mentioned by the Bible (see Old testament - Witch of Endor) and thus was ever known about 3 thousand years before Lucas ever had born ;-)
#50246 - Rene, 15.04.2009 01:14
SerenaVallariel - ... and for names it is here the rule: And beside you have told - all shards are some way breaking the copyright by their very existence, because Electonics arts, nor Origin Systems was ever granted a free use of their gaming system
#50248 - Pelor, 15.04.2009 01:20
Yep Im sure theyre going to care about some edited pic I googled and was watched by fifty people. ^^ the vid rocks btw :P
#50313 - Chrisu, 15.04.2009 06:20
SerenaVallariel: Teräsbetoni - Taivas lyö tulta. It is finnish band :)
#50342 - SerenaVallariel, 15.04.2009 08:09
Rene: nechtej se se mnou hadat dopadne to spatne :D Rene: There might be a topic with rules. So what? Theres no restriction for copyrighted names, just for trademarks. Names of characters of different movies or games are allowed and also used. Ha! What say you now? :)
#50344 - SerenaVallariel, 15.04.2009 08:11
Chrisu: Thanks :) By the way, could I ask for a contact for you? I would be interested in more nice metal bands :) I guess that you know lot of them since you´re finnish :D
#50443 - Temeez, 15.04.2009 16:17
Chrisu doesnt know a thing about metal bands :)
#50460 - Chrisu, 15.04.2009 17:39
so sad, but it is true :D